We hear all the time how breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that eating a good breakfast is essential to starting your day off right. I agree, but in my opinion, starting your day off right is a decision you make before you even consider what to eat for breakfast. To me, “starting your day off right” is a decision you make the second you open your eyes. The second you awake, you have the option to choose your day. Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “You can either say, Good Morning God! Or you can say, Good God – Morning.” Truly the choice is yours. What I know to be true is whatever you choose will follow you throughout the day.
When I open my eyes, I make a conscious decision to embrace the day. I start my thoughts in gratitude and declare my blessings. I call forth in faith that which I would like to accomplish and I state my affirmations for the day (ex: I AM blessed, I AM strong, I AM abundant etc). That which I declare, I KNOW to be true and in that faith, it has already been done.
Before reading my emails or looking at my phone, I try to take at least 10 minutes and meditate. I just focus on my breath, quiet my mind and root myself in the present moment. I know that when I start my day rooted in presence, I will stand firm. The winds may blow through the day (sometimes really strong winds) but when I am rooted, I will bend, not break. Days when I skip this process and the winds blow, I am tossed all about. It’s not fun.
I share this with you today, because my mentors Oprah and Deepak Chopra started their 21 day meditation challenge today. You can still sign up and it’s FREE!!!! Use this link to sign up https://chopracentermeditation.com/home/index
Give it a shot! What do you have to lose? It takes just 10 minutes a day and can be life changing if you are open to the process. Stillness is where it all starts. If you are looking for answers and can’t find them, get quiet. I promise you they will appear. Start your day off right! Don’t give it away to fear. Own it in faith. Your dreams are yours to claim